We're all leaders of ourselves & we impact others by default.
The question is:
HOW do I want to lead myself & impact others?
Explore Embodied Leadership of Self & Others
leadership coaching
a supported journey about How you are to How you want to be - with yourself & others
This is about learning to lead yourself, and others, in directions you want to go & choosing how you want to be.
Self-leadership is being with yourself
- as you are - and moving from there.
Relational Leadership is being with yourself & others
- as we are - and moving from there.
This is about leading from transparency
- rather than a "power over", force model.
This coaching package is for anyone.
We are all leaders of ourselves & we impact others - by default.
This offering is about who you are with yourself & how that affects your relationships. It's about how you show up around others and what is the root of that inside yourself.
The quality of your relational leadership is the quality of your self-leadership.
We will explore how you show up as you navigate real life situations & people. I support you in exploring your growth edge with curiosity & care. I support you in creating & co-creating the community & culture you desire to live & work in. And in being the human & leader you desire to be - with yourself & with others.
Although open to anyone, this coaching package is a great next step for persons, and teams, who have taken one of my workshops and desire support in their integration journey.
Somatic coaching helps you tune into & be with your body & its messages - this leverages your ability to shift toward what you desire.
In coaching, the question is not "what do I know that you don’t" or "what problem have I encountered and solved that will solve your situation"? Coaching is supporting you moving from this moment toward what you desire.
Somatic coaching gives you awareness of the root of challenges holding you back - giving you access to conscious choice that you can use to create the life you desire. I'll support you in seeing any new awareness and in consciously deciding what you want to do with what you see.
What is Coaching & Somatic Coaching?
I hold a space of curious, compassionate acceptance of whatever arises in you, so you can safely explore new ways of being. I explain what I'm doing so you learn to get unstuck & move forward.
"Somatics is a holistic way to transform. It engages our thinking, feeling, sensing, and actions. Transformation, from a somatic view,
means that the way we are, relate, and act become aligned with our visions and values—even under pressure. More than understanding and insight, it supports us in embodying new ways of being, aligned with a broader vision. Somatics is very effective in both healing trauma and embodying new skills for leadership, organization building, and social change." The Politics of Trauma by Staci K. Haines
when, how long & how much
As part of the journey, I will explain to you what I'm doing and teach you to do this for yourself. This transparency empowers you - or rather keeps your power with you.
Co-create a package that allows you space to breathe and integrate & also gives you intensity for your transformation.
This is a transformation journey - custom tailored to you. We start with an education session where we build a shared language that we'll expand on throughout. Following this, we'll meet for 1 hour a week to support you in clarifying and moving toward your goals, dreams, desires and vision.
Co-create a Package that works for us - make a chat appointment and we can discuss. Sessions are $120 for 1 hour for online and I recommend 6 sessions as a minimum.
Team coaching and meeting facilitation is available - cost is dependant on details. For team coaching specifically, the team would benefit from having taken one of my workshops. Please reach out to discuss.
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