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Talks & Interview Media Kit

Let's Connect, Share a Conversation & Co-Create!


Possible Talk or Interview Topics:

The Dance of Authenticity & Connection - Being me with Others

Re-covering CEO - Navigating from Doing - to Being - to Doing from Being

Finding Alignment - finding & following a path of surrender & expansion

How to Operate your Meat Suit - nervous system regulation & states of conscious awareness and their profound effects on your perspective, emotions and ultimately your experience of life

Creating a conscious life & business - finding & following values to create the world you want to live in 

Does having products on Mars make me successful? - conversation on definitions of success from my journey

Being With - the power of attuned presence to create somatic trauma healing paired with the practices of circling & authentic relating

Follow Your Curiositypropose a topic that you are curious about

Dreamwork - befriending your subconsious to go from "wtf was that" to "ah that makes sense!"

You can see links to previous interviews from when I owned TheRingLord in my resume. 

want to chat? let's connect!

  • Share the Connection with Word of Mouth Marketing
  • Share the Connection with Word of Mouth Marketing
  • Share the Connection with Word of Mouth Marketing
  • Share the Connection with Word of Mouth Marketing
  • Share the Connection with Word of Mouth Marketing
  • Share the Connection with Word of Mouth Marketing
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